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Adult Ministries

Adult ministries are the way that our church becomes small. As our church continues to grow, the adult ministries are important opportunities for you to engage with smaller groups and really get to know others within the church. No matter what stage or season of life you're in, you'll find connections and opportunities to grow as you engage with others. We offer a variety of ministries for you to enjoy and in which to connect as you grow together in fellowship and in your spiritual journey.


In the busyness of caring for a home, building a career, or rearing children, a woman could easily neglect her spiritual life. The Ladies’ ministries help women guard against that unintentional slide. The Ladies’ ministries are dedicated to spiritually enriching each woman who attends through encouragement, sharing, and praying for one another. Such open fellowship unifies our ladies, binding heart to heart. Our ladies grow in faith as they study the Word of God and learn to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. With the friendship and support of other Christian ladies, no woman need struggle alone in her spiritual walk.

Our ladies activities range from teas at the George Washington Inn to baby showers, bridal showers, and craft nights. All of these activities are geared to connect ladies to one another and to share the love of Christ. Check out the church calendar to see what’s on the schedule.


We live in a culture where the Bible's vision for masculinity is increasingly under attack. In such a hostile environment, Faith Baptist Church seeks to build men of character who reflect the humble, gracious, and courageous picture of manhood painted in Scripture. Faith desires to see strong fathers and kind husbands, bold leaders and humble listeners who reflect the character of Christ. To accomplish this goal, we have periodic men's meetings designed to encourage, exhort, and equip men to love and serve God at home and in the church.

Men can connect through our Saturday morning breakfast and Bible study in Nehemiah. This leadership training is essential for building strong lives and for equipping men to do the work of the ministry. Each Wednesday, a men’s Bible study is conducted to dig deeper into the Word of God. Men’s retreats offer an opportunity for concentrated Bible study, encouragement, fellowship, and growth.


Many of our adults over the age of 55 have faithfully served the Lord, some for well over 40 years! Though they may have retired from their professions, they have certainly not retired from ministering. Our Senior ministries encourage these dear saints to continue their ministry by offering regular fellowship with other senior adults as well as mentoring opportunities with younger generations. You will find senior saints enthusiastically serving in almost every area of the church, from the nursery to outreach, ushering, music, and so much more. The senior ministry is also enthusiastic about activities and travel.

Each month, Pastor Richard Damon plans and leads a senior activity such as a cookout, lunch at a local restaurant, or a day trip to experience the beauty of the Pacific Northwest including recent trips to Fort Flagler and Lake Crescent.

Young Adults

Many Christian young adults are looking for a church where they can connect with other young adults to grow together, worship together, and build quality relationships. At Faith, our desire is to help you follow Jesus by knowing, loving, living, and giving the gospel. Reach out to us and come to our services at Faith! We'd love to get to know you better and help you grow in your walk with Christ!


At Faith we endeavor to plan a young adult activity at least once a month to connect and fellowship. From a game night and cookout in Port Angeles, to bowling and pizza at Pastor and Sherry’s home, we are on mission to love God in a deeper way and reach others with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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